28 March 2011

My maps part V

here's maps: 21-25 in the order of creation
21) Bzflag Temple 22) Dark corridors 23) Tacticoom 24) 20 Secrets 25) Tanx's dream

Bzflag temple is the bottom screenie

here's my statements about these maps...
21) Map: Bzflag Temple
I got the idea for this one shortly after the creation of CTF/FFA. It was a simple map, that turned into a more skill laden map. hosted, but didn't grab people's attention

22) Map: Dark corridors
This map had potential in my opinion, but people didn't comment on it, and it was not hosted. It's roots lie with House CTF in the dark. It belongs with The Barge in my thoughts about it. Including the fact a sequel could be created later on to finish the job.

23) Map: Tacticoom
Tacticoom stands for: T.aking A.ll C.hances T.hat I.ncrease C.hances O.f O.pponent M.istakes... This was the map in which it took more time to figure out a name then the actual time it took to create the map. I may be over exaggerating this though. A good overall map the best parts are the teles use to get up to the upper level and the upper level itself.

24) Map: 20 Secrets
A player named "jeff" made a map, whose name slips my mind. This map had things he called secrets, these "secrets" gave me an idea to make a map in which the point is FFA, but a second objective is to find these secrets, thus the "secrets" series was born. It was quite popular in it's time. the best feature in my opinion is the arc way up, and the anticamping system.

25) Map: Tanx's Dream
This map really lives up to it's name, since the idea for this map actually came from a dream! I even dreamt that this map made it to the top of the list, which in time it in fact accomplished. I didn't remember some aspects so, I filled it in with what I thought would work in it's favor. Overall it turned out ok, but they're are quite a few problems with this map, the least of which is easy spawnkilling. The first twenty-five maps are here, only 32 more!

My maps part IV

here's maps : 16-20 in the order of creation
16) Survival FFA 17) The great fight 18) Adroit 19) CTF/FFA 20) House CTF in the dark

Survival FFA is the picture on the bottom
I wasn't able to use the computer yesterday, so in order to stay on track, and make it up to the readers I'm include ten maps today. They are in two posts though

p.s. this is my fault. the map survival seems to have been totally lost, and it is extremely unlikely I can recreate it or even find it as my computer/usb drive have been searched for it, but to no avail

here's my statements about these maps...

16) Map: Survival
Survival was based on the map Ultimatum. I used objects from ultimatum in this map, but added some new ones. This map could have been classified as Ultimatum II. A unique feature about this map was the fact the teles that linked to each other hade a specific color of pyramid on top of their borders. I apparently have lost the map file. To see a basic diagram of the map (a poor selection of screenies) visit http://my.bzflag.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=66&t=13693&p=134298&hilit=survival#p134298

17) Map: The Great Fight
Not a very good name I tell you that. This map was just like Ultimatum and Survival in so many ways. Apparently it was too similar and someone pointed this out, I didn't exactly resond like I should have to ducatiwannabe's remark about the name. I shouldn't have even responded. See my remark that shouldn't have been at http://my.bzflag.org/bb/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=13734&p=135176&hilit=the+great+fight#p135176

18) Map: Adroit
This was a very simple map. But it's simplicity was meant to require skill. This map flopped, not even a single comment on this map. It belongs in the category M with The Barge, but in this case I wasn't overly surprised to have received no comments.

19) Map: FFA/CTF
A map that was like like none other. This map was two maps in one. One side was CTF while the other was FFA. I had never seen this done before, so I decided to do it. I also haven't seen this done since. A very unique idea, but one that was not likely to succeed. I knew this before I created the map, but the idea of two types on gameplay in one map was calling to me. It was hosted, and got around 8 people maximum, but that was about it.

20) Map: House CTF in the dark
That was it's name but I like House in the dark CTF better. This map is possibly one of my best maps, and certainly is the map that preformed the best for me in the server list. It got to the server list #1 slot at sometime during the day for around a week. The best part is that this map was inspired by a rug design I saw while walking into church. It just kinda hit me as I saw the design, and as soon as I got up into the balcony I drew it out before I could forget it. I missed some of the service...