Well my parents got me, I didn't see the surprise birthday party coming, until my dad told me.
Very nice though. I also got a camera a Olympus FE-47. When we go on a vacation, this will come in extremely handy, plus now my dad can have his camera back ;). Also I got an xbox 360 kinect. I will definetly be using that. I didn't want to go unwrap present, because I don't particularly like doing that in front of other people. I was also playing on one of the arcade games in the community center (the same one I stayed up all night in around a week ago). Christian, my cousin, decided it'd be fun to force me to come by turning it off while I was in the middle of playing......
...not funny...
...ok maybe it was for her
though I did surprise her later by sneaking up and saying "boo" a few times. hee hee. She had a great reaction :P and squealed a little bit. She should've known I get her back somehow, for turning off the game, even though if I had been in her position, I would've done the exact same thing... :D
I did surprise her earlier like that as well, but she did smack me in the back of the head for it. Heh, I deserved it lol. It's all in good fun though.