the female guppy, Sunset

the female guppy, Silvette

See those whitish spots on the triop's sides? Those are eggs, in an egg pouch. They're adults now. Only took 18-19 days too.

a picture to help show you the size.
The triops will still molt. That skin behind the triop below was actually shed after the triop it was from had eggs (I was going to take it out, and basically throw it away, until I noticed something. When the triop shed it, it left behind it's eggs. I never knew they did that before. So I set it aside.)

I avoided watching tv all day (after Church anyways). I ended up outside most of the day. First, I got food for the mantises (that actually took 30-50 minutes to find/catch 3 flies... pesky things) Then I tried out my old rollarblades, which are supposed to be for size 8, which is 1 1/2 sizes too small now. A little tight, but it worked, though after awhile it started to bother my left foot. Then I came back in, ate, did something while I ate, mowed the lawn, got on my rollar blades again, and ended with a little run (15 minurtes or less). Then I took a shower, and got on the computer (at 6:30 ish).
I did this as an experiment. I wanted to see what I'd fill the time I'd normally be watching TV with. I guess I didn't really realize how much I really watch that thing. that was like 4-5 hours of stuff I just told you above too...
definitely something to think more about.