Here's the first five in the order of creation:
1) Fortwars 2) Tower Wars 3) Tower Wars-FFA 4) Rabbit hunting Wars 5) Fortwars II
Fortwars is the bottom screenie if you didn't know.
Here's my statement on each of the maps...
1) Map: Fort Wars
Fort wars was my first map, but before it I had messed around with the two tanks: laser sniping first, adding two bases, and a box. I also messed with it's variables, until making my own map. Fort wars was based off of missile wars, and the compound. In this map I used boxes, pyramids, bases, and zones. I meant for the center to actually be open, but those four main boxed turned out MUCH bigger then I meant for them to be. the four boxes inside the base that are in the air, are double what I meant for them to be. In the end I decided to keep it the way it was, and not fix the center boxes. I'm glad I didn't change it. It got hosted, by Rob5a, which I'm glad to this day he did. I didn't have much confidence in my abilities, I thank all the people who commented back in those days, and who still do.
2) Map: Tower Wars
Tower Wars was meant to be like missile wars but have a tower in the back, hence the name: "Tower Wars". I underestimated the true size of world units in my beginning mapping days, and in this map it's quite obvious. The sniping towers are much too large, as is the base. The base would come in handy later on in a future map [and I'm not going to tell you, until I show you that map ;)]. It didn't get hosted like Fortwars did. In this map I started to use links and my first world weapons
3) Map: Tower Wars-FFA
Tower Wars-FFA was absolutely the map I hate the most. I basically gave up on it and just added Tower wars to it, just to get it over with. It really shouldn't have been submitted. It's so bad it says it's a FFA, but it's a CTF. I'm done ripping it, and I'm done with it period.
4) Rabbit hunting wars
Rabbit Hunting Wars was based on a old rabbit hunting from a long time ago. It turned out ok, but as you can see I was still underestimating a world unit. The map didn't get hosted. This was my first rabbit hunt map. It was more about trying to create a map like the old one, but a little different. That was made difficult by the fact I don't exactly remember the old map that well.
5) Fort Wars II
Fort wars II added on to Fort wars. I added a whole new level below the existing one. I actually changed the existing one. I learned NOT to make a floor the same color as deathzone's are colored on the radar. This map was basically to revisted Fort Wars, since I was lacking in ideas at the time, and I figured if the first one got hosted, might as well try it. This was my first big successful map that made it to the top. A little while later I had surgery on my wrist. I had to play with my left hand. I didn't let it stop me from mapping though. Thanks to NN for the host for this one. He's the second big influence in my continued mapping. Don't know where I'd be if he wouldn't have hosted it.