13 August 2011

It's a bird!

It's a bird! and I wonder if you can tell what it is? I know of course :P the first one was later after we were going to a different site, and I took this from the stopped car, after I rolled down the window, and it was raining at that time. The bottom two were taken from across a river, a pretty wide one, and actually I was using a telescope that someone was kind enough to let me look through, way too far for my zoom to A. get that small and B. get that good of a picture Another person got a way better picture of a blue heron catching a fish, though he had one of those 400 some dollar cameras. This is a bird I had never actually seen before, and still not from too close.

I just hope I don't come back home and find like 20-30 little baby fishies swimming around, especially not non-guppies, since that would mean, I have more then the guppies to worry about breeding -_-

that means you, albino bronze cories... (that happened before when I came back from a vacation years ago)...
I already had a dream about that, which I believe was last night, though in reality I would be like :DDDDDDDD (attention: please help me find my jaw which fell off my face) <- only if that did happen (cories breeding)

at first it'd be a drat, then a few seconds later it'd be :D x a google (a 1 with a hundred zeros following it) AKA 1x(10^100)

I'm somewhat prepared for that, I have the food I had last time which was for guppies before I had, had any babies before (that food isn't necessary for them, I can crush flakes small enough for them, so I didn't use it). And I had that 2.5 gallon available

Oh dang... I left the goldfish in there... whoopsies... ehe hee (if you take it out, please be careful in looking for the net you don't accidently kick the container which I put the bottle caps where I put sand that I thought had the triop eggs in them, The net's not over there anyways, I think it's under the 55 gallon. don't step on the wet sock btw. I'm don't remember where I put that... Note: when water gets on the aquarium, in this case it was when I filled the 2.5 by putting the 2.5 gal on the 55 gallon's water surface and letting water run in it, I usually wipe it off with the first old shirt or sock that's old I see, usually from the day previous, now if there isn't one I'll just change socks/or just use the ones I had been wearing.)

The sun's set by now here(8:08)
PTYAL (post to you all later) :)

Trip up to Maryland

Dad reminded me that I didn't need my cable, as long as Uncle Jim had a way to upload from the SD flash card, which he did. You know what that means? I can upload the pictures after all :D

so here are some of the trip up.

When we were almost here I looked back and was like "what in the world? The sun's setting already?" I was reminded that the sun sets/rises around a hour earlier here then back in Ohio, the differance between the two places is noticable obviously.

at our second stop, this one for food at the cracker barrel

the chinese torture chamber :P
you see that square? If you pull that out you get a seat, one of two, one of which I was using.

A time when I was able to get a shot like this, but the view of miles of forest was pretty constant throughout the trip, and close to the end, after the sun was set, we came across some deer, Uncle Jim counted around 15 or something.

Very interesting picture of the earth.

two pictures of the sun setting the first at around 7:55:33 and the second at 7:56:12 (clock is set to my watch which appears to be around 3-2 minutes slow. or did I set it later? *shrugs

The differance is the fact in the second one I zoomed in on the sun, and in the first one I didn't other then that it's unaltered. The zooming appears to have made quite a differance in the look of the picture though, it was my best of the day I'd say that. Might beat all the ones from today, but only in looks.

So far so fun :D
Great ride to Maryland first of all. I got some nice pictures too, but I didn't bring the cord to upload photos for my camera, so no pictures can get posted until I get back. I also got some nice photographs today too.

Clear skies for the whole trip there as well. I sat in the seat that Unlce Jim dubbed, a form of chinese torture. He thought one of us would be strangling him sooner or later... guess not, it wasn't that bad, though around the end of the trip I was getting a bit sore. I'm withholding some details until I'm able to upload the pictures. Also I'm sleeping in the room with the computer, though so far it's not the computer that's keeping me up, no instead it's the books in the room, which have to do with warfare in the 1900's, quite interesting to read about all the different ships.

We saw some birds today. Also the window which is right behind where I would put my head when I sleep is open, allowing me to hear all the insects, and I'll tell you there's quite a bit at night, but I love that. I kinda wish we were driving back just because it was such a nice trip down that way. Though the fact I don't like planes that much does play into that as well :P