Bzflag wise I've been using this for a few weeks now not sure why but it seems to work quite well for me. Though if someone would have told me it would, I probably wouldn't have believed it.
another funny thing, apparently when I was messing around with the TV remote I tuned closed caption on, and dad couldn't figure out how to turn it off, apparently it's annoying him. So I'm going to fix it (fixing it wasn't voluntary :P)
I joked that I might use it in the future for my entertainment, apparently dad doesn't like that idea. And apparently if I do that, I won't be using the remote ever again, ouchies. Maybe I shouldn't have told him that... Works out when I don't... like the time I found, and set our phone's alarm clock, though I don't know if the purpose was to wake my parents, I believe it might have been to wake me up, though it didn't I know that much, apparently this went on for around a week before I was informed of it, yes it was an accident, I remember now. Why is it the funny things that I cause tend to be accidentle. Apparently that alarm had been waking them for a week (lol, makes me laugh every time. Never gets old, almost forgot about it too). Dad couldn't figure out how to turn it off, fortunately I did.
neither does this:
When I tried to take out a burned out lightbulb, it broke, and my fingers, completed the circuit, apparently fingers can conduct electricity pretty well. Some light was emitted as well.
It seems many times when I try to do something intentionally it tends to blow up in my face... many things in general actually... like when I was 12 tried a random call/hang up, and I apparently dialed someone's number whom had caller ID, never did that again...
It also seemed whenever I did something I always got caught. I wasn't good at hiding things, still not particularly well at it. They knew me way too well, and even if they didn't I was easier to spot me lying, then it is to find scotch tape in our house (we have around 30 rolls in the house). And even if I did, eventually my conscience would get to me, and I'd confess. I'm pretty predictable, I'll usually ask "What if I did so-and-so, what would you do?". In reality most of the time I had already done it (if I could've done it without their knowledge, or I was considering doing it). Now it's more jokingly, being curious what the consequences whould be, perhaps I'm just stregthening the reasons why I shouldn't do that something (I think that's why now). I'm giving myself more reasons not to do something. Kinda like a safety net. I tend to be indirect in my approach when I want something, as apposed to dad who is direct.
16 July 2011
For now on my images will be aligned centrally, it was aligned left.
Tomorrow I'll be watching the Women's fifa world cup finale, US vs Japan. If the US loses I won't be too upset, the women of Japan have been through a lot, it makes a happy ending.
I was trying to see if I could use a pipette (large) to get some more eggs unearthed, and after doing so I could only find one triop, then I was looking I found a triop, but not the ones that were missing, one that had had hatched within 24 hours, not one that hatched around three days ago. I repeated my motions, hoping to unearth the supposedly trapped triops, doing this away from the other two. Eventually I got one out, confirming my theory (or she wasn't moving for over 5 minutes, which isn't very likely (slim to none really)). So I had 3 lost 2 making 1, found 1 making 2, and unearthed another making 3, back to where I started, except worse, that new triop is in danger of being canabolized by the other triops. They'll eat anything they can get really, even other triops. This is a good, and bad thing. a good thing since they'll eat fish pellets, which are easy to get (I still have the original food that came with the original packages (I got either two or three total over the years... strike that three, I remember now. Though the containers for the first two are long gone.
Heh, it just so happened triops came with something mom got me awhile back, I tried to grow them, and I tried a larger container, and the one that came with it (I got inpatient after nothing came through the smaller one... at least I think... not sure...) Whatever the senerio, that's what happened. I remember I had basically given up on it, I only kept them filled because of another little creature I had grown abundantly in the containers: Water fleas, or as I believe their also called daphina. I wish I still had them... a great live food for fish, like brine shrimp, but unlike brine shrimp, water fleas inhabit freshwater.
When looking for linux disks in dad's office I found a fun little thing I hadn't seen in ages (plastic or metal)...
A Slinky!
after it went down the stairs the first time, patch looked a bit interested, so I made it go down the steps again (patch was at the bottom), and apparently patch is scared of a slinky -_-
yeah, patch... way to be courageous...
I mean Hope is perfectly fine with a vacuum cleaner, and you Patch, run away... from a slinky... *shakes head
On another note I'd forgotten how entertaining a slinky can be :D
I'm easily entertained.
I mean I can be entertained by a lot, but video games seem to lose their effect after a few days, except the ones on a computer for some reason... I never got the craze over all those shoot em' up games (halo, gears of war, ect...) on gaming consoles, Not a lot of strategy, or thinking involved. just aim and shoot, repeat...
I think listening to politics might be more fun (no offense)
Also I'm working on overkill, and attempt a something else project, I'm not entirely sure I'll finish it, it's taking a lot of mathematical calculations, and taking quite a bit of time. It will be a building, and around 26x26x65.5 that's the Z size without any attenae on the building here's a link to show the building it's designed off of. Though Version One would only have supports running one direction, clockwise I know one thing, It's testing my limits. the one spiral like building in Overkill: hybrid city was a design based off of this, it was to give a taste of the building to come (AKA this one). Fortunately, the building is symmetrical so I will be able to use group for it, in other words, I only have to make one support for it. Now that I think of it, I could just copy and paste that support, switch the signs of all the X's, reverse all of the Vertices in the face part of the meshes, and I'd have a counter-clockwise mesh, duh why didn't I see that earlier. If I make this successfully then It beats all other buildings I've created so far. I'm also planning on alternating the window color every other space between the supports (like the building in the picture, but alternating every other one). So far only one mesh has been created (Z 0-7.5) two meshes on the supports per floor. Actually I, myself, have never seen anything quite like this in bzflag. If completed it's going in Overkill, without a doubt, if it's too big, something else goes first. Or I'll lower other buildings faces on/with meshes. Oh and already Overkill: Hybrid city is 19000 lines. And I've been using groups quite a bit. Though some objects I defined aren't even used.
Oh I forgot to mention in that big container during my first trial with triops, I looked around 2 weeks in, and I was like "What in the world is that!" I had never seen anything like it, around 5 seconds later I realized it was a triop, I got quite excited... I think I clapped a couple times, uttering eeee. Though it could be just my imagination, but I wouldn't doubt it happened that way, I know one thing fur sure, I was overly excited. I still get excited when I see those triops. Just something about them. Though it might just be raising living creatures up, that's exciting me. Perhaps a combination.
I ran at 6:30 AM which was very nice! lots of birds chirping out, and I even heard a woodpecker. Also before the sun cleared the tree line, I walked part of the time too. I went in at around 6:55 I think. Also didn't keep track of mileage or lap time, this was for enjoyment.
I also ran later at 6:28 PM (oh, perhaps it's predictable. I just decided to do it, Though I also did realize I ran almost exactly the same time, but AM). Not as nice as the morning one, not as many birds out, though the sky had a look of rain (but it didn't), I don't know what it is about running before it rains, but that's my favorite time to be outside, wind blowing more, the smell, I also spent time think, and started to talk to myself. I mean like adding to my current thought process. *Example: I start thiking about bzflag... me: ahhh, why do I have to be thinking about bzflag at a time like this... I think... Me: well, I am letting my mind wander. *pause Me: True *end example
*Example2: *legs start getting tired. Me: come, on legs. Don't fail me now. It is your job you know..So keep moving. *pause Me: You can do it *pause Me: that's it... keep goin' *this conversation was mostly just to entertain myself
dad comes in after talking about how hot it is... dad: are you still writing that entry? *look questioningly dad: are you still writing that blog entry? Me: ya dad: and you talk about me. and you talk about me. you talk about me being a fountain... you're a firehose *also point at the screen from a distance
*conversation after I finished the legs conversation... I've been writing this for around 1-2 hours now, dad's refering to my comment about his rambling on his blog... (hence the fountain, and firehose comparison)...
at least I don't have people saying I'm the reason for some character limits :P
Though without a doubt people probably could ;)
next four vials (only four more left!)
a 12-24 hour old triop below, and below that a 2-3 day old one
Like I said, They grow reeeeeeeeeealy fast!
Tomorrow I'll be watching the Women's fifa world cup finale, US vs Japan. If the US loses I won't be too upset, the women of Japan have been through a lot, it makes a happy ending.
I was trying to see if I could use a pipette (large) to get some more eggs unearthed, and after doing so I could only find one triop, then I was looking I found a triop, but not the ones that were missing, one that had had hatched within 24 hours, not one that hatched around three days ago. I repeated my motions, hoping to unearth the supposedly trapped triops, doing this away from the other two. Eventually I got one out, confirming my theory (or she wasn't moving for over 5 minutes, which isn't very likely (slim to none really)). So I had 3 lost 2 making 1, found 1 making 2, and unearthed another making 3, back to where I started, except worse, that new triop is in danger of being canabolized by the other triops. They'll eat anything they can get really, even other triops. This is a good, and bad thing. a good thing since they'll eat fish pellets, which are easy to get (I still have the original food that came with the original packages (I got either two or three total over the years... strike that three, I remember now. Though the containers for the first two are long gone.
Heh, it just so happened triops came with something mom got me awhile back, I tried to grow them, and I tried a larger container, and the one that came with it (I got inpatient after nothing came through the smaller one... at least I think... not sure...) Whatever the senerio, that's what happened. I remember I had basically given up on it, I only kept them filled because of another little creature I had grown abundantly in the containers: Water fleas, or as I believe their also called daphina. I wish I still had them... a great live food for fish, like brine shrimp, but unlike brine shrimp, water fleas inhabit freshwater.
When looking for linux disks in dad's office I found a fun little thing I hadn't seen in ages (plastic or metal)...
A Slinky!
after it went down the stairs the first time, patch looked a bit interested, so I made it go down the steps again (patch was at the bottom), and apparently patch is scared of a slinky -_-
yeah, patch... way to be courageous...
I mean Hope is perfectly fine with a vacuum cleaner, and you Patch, run away... from a slinky... *shakes head
On another note I'd forgotten how entertaining a slinky can be :D
I'm easily entertained.
I mean I can be entertained by a lot, but video games seem to lose their effect after a few days, except the ones on a computer for some reason... I never got the craze over all those shoot em' up games (halo, gears of war, ect...) on gaming consoles, Not a lot of strategy, or thinking involved. just aim and shoot, repeat...
I think listening to politics might be more fun (no offense)
Also I'm working on overkill, and attempt a something else project, I'm not entirely sure I'll finish it, it's taking a lot of mathematical calculations, and taking quite a bit of time. It will be a building, and around 26x26x65.5 that's the Z size without any attenae on the building here's a link to show the building it's designed off of. Though Version One would only have supports running one direction, clockwise I know one thing, It's testing my limits. the one spiral like building in Overkill: hybrid city was a design based off of this, it was to give a taste of the building to come (AKA this one). Fortunately, the building is symmetrical so I will be able to use group for it, in other words, I only have to make one support for it. Now that I think of it, I could just copy and paste that support, switch the signs of all the X's, reverse all of the Vertices in the face part of the meshes, and I'd have a counter-clockwise mesh, duh why didn't I see that earlier. If I make this successfully then It beats all other buildings I've created so far. I'm also planning on alternating the window color every other space between the supports (like the building in the picture, but alternating every other one). So far only one mesh has been created (Z 0-7.5) two meshes on the supports per floor. Actually I, myself, have never seen anything quite like this in bzflag. If completed it's going in Overkill, without a doubt, if it's too big, something else goes first. Or I'll lower other buildings faces on/with meshes. Oh and already Overkill: Hybrid city is 19000 lines. And I've been using groups quite a bit. Though some objects I defined aren't even used.
Oh I forgot to mention in that big container during my first trial with triops, I looked around 2 weeks in, and I was like "What in the world is that!" I had never seen anything like it, around 5 seconds later I realized it was a triop, I got quite excited... I think I clapped a couple times, uttering eeee. Though it could be just my imagination, but I wouldn't doubt it happened that way, I know one thing fur sure, I was overly excited. I still get excited when I see those triops. Just something about them. Though it might just be raising living creatures up, that's exciting me. Perhaps a combination.
I ran at 6:30 AM which was very nice! lots of birds chirping out, and I even heard a woodpecker. Also before the sun cleared the tree line, I walked part of the time too. I went in at around 6:55 I think. Also didn't keep track of mileage or lap time, this was for enjoyment.
I also ran later at 6:28 PM (oh, perhaps it's predictable. I just decided to do it, Though I also did realize I ran almost exactly the same time, but AM). Not as nice as the morning one, not as many birds out, though the sky had a look of rain (but it didn't), I don't know what it is about running before it rains, but that's my favorite time to be outside, wind blowing more, the smell, I also spent time think, and started to talk to myself. I mean like adding to my current thought process. *Example: I start thiking about bzflag... me: ahhh, why do I have to be thinking about bzflag at a time like this... I think... Me: well, I am letting my mind wander. *pause Me: True *end example
*Example2: *legs start getting tired. Me: come, on legs. Don't fail me now. It is your job you know..So keep moving. *pause Me: You can do it *pause Me: that's it... keep goin' *this conversation was mostly just to entertain myself
dad comes in after talking about how hot it is... dad: are you still writing that entry? *look questioningly dad: are you still writing that blog entry? Me: ya dad: and you talk about me. and you talk about me. you talk about me being a fountain... you're a firehose *also point at the screen from a distance
*conversation after I finished the legs conversation... I've been writing this for around 1-2 hours now, dad's refering to my comment about his rambling on his blog... (hence the fountain, and firehose comparison)...
at least I don't have people saying I'm the reason for some character limits :P
Though without a doubt people probably could ;)
next four vials (only four more left!)
a 12-24 hour old triop below, and below that a 2-3 day old one
Like I said, They grow reeeeeeeeeealy fast!
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