Pretty close to an adult. only difference would be a set of eggsacks, which this one either doesn't have, not visable, or the most unlikely case in which it's a male triop. Here's a picture showing exactly how small a two day old triop is. I've put a circle around the triop after looking at the picture myself. Quite small, thankfully they move, otherwise I don't think I'd be able to see them, they're pretty difficult to see anyways. It doesn't help there's white sand in there too...
I jogged today, at first I kept the time, but pretty soon after I started, I decided not to keep track, and just enjoyed the running, loved every minute of it. especially when these group of little kids would keep saying "stop, stop" that could have been the most enjoyable part... strike that, It was the most enjoyable part. I only stopped because my legs were bugging me for more then a half of a mile, probably due to the fact I didn't eat any breakfast, actually nothing so far today when I ran which was around 4. Though I ate something after running. Also the fact I hadn't drank a good ammount of water before was getting to me as well. Quite enjoyable though, there's just something about winding blowing in my face I like (seems to only apply when I run though).
I know I was smiling every times I saw those kids. I also lost track of my laps at the third lap, and when I went to get some water around a little over half way through, I took off my watch, so I wouldn't look at it. (I had put it in my pocket earlier). Also while running my mind tends to wander (when it's not part of soccer practice). A great time to think, and enjoy nature at the same time. I also think at times that I get to run, I mean some people want to, but they can't. Enjoy it while it lasts. I try to. Nothing lasts forever, except the one that is beyond our understanding (God, and his kingdom).
a good quote about how to secure your computer (sorry dad, forgot the guys name again...)
1. don't buy a computer
2. if you do, don't plug it in.
some people have added to it
3. if you do, and you plug it in, don't connect to the internet.
I can almost hear the caterpillar in the picture "How does this work again... Man, why isn't there a how to shed your exoskelton for dummies."
don't worry he made it :P
Also I can hear Sprout now "Hey, this one's mine, get your own"
the first picture was a little bit before I started jogging, nice day out.
Now bzflag wise I realized I go about all of my meshes the same way
if it's a box I'll always start vertice 0 somewhere with the lower Z size (0 for this example) I'll then go clockwise around the inside of the shape from there. once I'm back to vertice 0 I'll go to the vertex that vertice 0 will connect to above, type it, and again go clockwise around, then I'm done. I can use this for every single case like this.
vertices 0 1 2 3
matref roof
vertices 7 6 5 4
matref roof
vertices 0 4 5 1
matref bw
vertices 1 5 6 2
matref bw
vertices 2 6 7 3
matref bw
vertices 3 7 4 0
matref bw
I just copy this and paste it to whatever meshes I do that are 8 points. Saves a lot of time. basically in my mind 0-4, 1-5, 2-6, and 3-7 are always paired together. On the non roof faces it's group A, and B, B being the group clockwise of group A, but it's the pair but reversed, so instead of 0 4, it's 4 0. now for the bottom it's clockwise which is 0 1 2 3 for the top it's reversed so instead of 4 5 6 7, it's 7 6 5 4, a good check is this
0 1 2 3
7 6 5 4
if one number and the number below it, does it equal 7? if not, it's wrong. This makes meshes easier, and hard to make mistakes. unless you mistype a vertex coordinate, which happens.