02 June 2011


Friendship requires Trust. a good indicator of trust is whether or not a person is willing to confide in you. Another is Faith. Faith can either be something small or it can be something big. In my opinion, willingly falling asleep in the presence of a particular person, shows that you trust them. Because, when you fall asleep you are completely helpless. Another indication of Faith is asking their opinion about something. Something like that is an indicator of the building up of trust, at the least. Friendship can be extremely powerful. David's friendship with Jonathan, kept him from falling to Saul's blade.

Let's explore the signs of friendship. Playful joking is one, you don't playfully joke around with someone you don't trust. It's a sign you're comfortable with this person. Now when you joke about yourself to them, there's obviously more trust between the two. These two are very comfortable with each other, a sign of a close friendship in my opinion. Even more so when this is a common occurrence between the two. Another good sign of friendship is when you reveal things to them you wouldn't normally reveal to people. Or when you're not afraid to tell them something embarrassing, the more recent, the more embarrassing it is to you.

Now what's the sign that one is a close friend with someone?
This cannot be judged by the ammount of time you've known them, their age, or anything like that. There are people who just fit with you like puzzle pieces do. If you are open, and don't automatically hold some people higher then others you can figure out who are your close friends.

I know I don't have many close friends, but there are a few, some close, while some are far. Now a days, distance is no longer a barrier to being close friends. What are signs you're close with someone? Just think about people you know. What comes to mind about them? What are their qualities? I'll use my friend Kyle as an example:

When I think of Kyle, I think...
Trustable, like a brother, we get along really well, respectable, and always fun to be around. The trait I think of the most is trustable. That's a good trait for a close friend!

A good thing for a friendship is face-to-face communication, but it's not absolutely necessary for a close friendship. It's more difficult to be close friends without it though. If this does occur that's quite a feat. But the friendship should expand past the area of how you met them. What constitutes as moving beyond this? You are trying to get to know them! This is an interest in this person, and who they are. That's what close friends are, People who get to know who their friends are.

There are different dynamics to a friendship built by the internet. It can be difficult to figure who you're close with on the te internet. In my opinion you can figure it out though.

Who do you talk to? If you consider them a friend, then think about them. What qualities do you see in them? Now if you struggle to get a couple, then you may not really know them that well, or you have trouble identifying their qualities. What are your conversation with this person like?
Do your/their emails going back and forth stay on thier original topic? or do you end up talking about something else? Sometimes close friends can be very similar to yourself , sharing many interests, qualities, and beliefs. But what about the differences? How do conversations go with this person, when you talk to them about your differing opinions? They should listen, and respect your position. For they should like you for who you are, not for the fact you always agree with them. They should care for you, otherwise they just want you to be them.

Next: our society on love, and what love is