16 June 2011

hoppin' to walkin'

Well I hopped all day two days ago like I said. I did walk a little yesterday, but thought I should be careful so I did hop, or walk in a position that didn't hurt, which did two days ago.

heh I put a butterfly net over my dad's head, after he warned me that he was a carnivore. Then things got interesting. I learned that my leg was a-ok to run on after I did that. hehe :P

I was reminded of a pet I once had, that I never actually put down here. It was a garter snake. I had it for a little longer then half of a year, then it died. Contrary to what you may think a garter snake's favorite snack isn't crickets, or grasshoppers (that's what I thought). I learned their favorite food is... Earthworms. They love 'em. For awhile I actually had two, one about half the size of the one I kept. I would've kept them both, but mom didn't like that. heh, not at all. Actually when she found out I had two, she called the office at school, and they dragged me out of class, and talk to her. She said I had to get rid of one, so I told her the smaller one. And that's how I got down to one snake :P. Though had she known what would happen later, she would've gotten rid of them both I believe. It's a good story. hehehe

One day I came to check on the snake, and low and behold nothing. Nothing? yeah, the snake had escaped. I spent the day basically looking for it, to no avail. Soon it was one to two weeks later. Then one night I had a dream, in which I found the snake in my dad's office. So not wanting the dream to happen I looked in my dad's office, and lots of other places for the snake. But, I came up empty handed (oh, did I mention mom doesn't like snakes. *hint of what's to come :P*). So downcast me, called it quits and started to watch tv. Then 30 minutes later dad, and I hear a voice calling for dad. heh, a voice that sounded frantic at that. Then I hear "It's the snake." and being the very acute person I am, asked "What?" (:P). "It's the snake. It's up here *mom started to sound annoyed (gee I wonder why).* At this point, which was around 10 seconds after I first heard "It's the snake" I finally realized what was going on. So I quickly got a butterfly net (which are quite handy for getting a snake, and catching food for small mantises) and I ran upstairs. I saw the snake. I got it into the net, but not before it decided to bite me, which scared the livin' daylights out of me. I had never been bitten by a snake before. so I stood there with a snake in the net shaking my hand. Now that I look back at it, I'll bet mom was thinking (stop shaking your hand and get that snake out of here!). I put it back in it's cage, and put more stuff on the lid from that point forward. Now after this had happened I learned how this went down. Apparentely one of the cats, Mai, found Mr.Snake. Mai decided the snake looked like a very fun thing to play with. so mom apparentely saw the snake flying up in the air against the wall. *that would've been quite a sight*. From there we all know what happened. So my dream did come true, though not in the room or in the way I expected... That's for sure. The snake was quite hungry. It hadn't had anything to eat that whole time probably. And that concludes the Snake Escape. Life's never boring I'll tell you that :D. The snake probably could've done without all the excitement though hehe.

the remaining two mantids, are well fed, in other words they're fat.

Wonder if we'll be able to cookout tomarrow as we plan to. Dad better finish replacing the wood on the side of the house, and it is the wood siding right above the deck too. :P

So hurry up already jk hehe. It's not like you're back hurts or something is it?

on a bzflag note: I've been asked to design a building with maximums of 25 25 60
I have two potential buildings I have lying around from earlier. I have the Fancy building I used 8 pieces of graph paper for (which is exactly 25 25 60!), or a spare structure I had designed for overkill the beginning. that building though exceeds the limit by 5 WU on two floors, and another floor would exceed it by 10 one one side in addition to some part exceeding the 5 WU as previously stated. A third opition is a simple building which was 25 25 Z (I could easily vary the Z size on it). Actually I wasn't planing on ever using the Fancy Building. cause' it's pretty complex, and it would take awhile to make.

technically it was 75 WU high but the first floor was going to be really basic. I think I can alter it to be 60 though, if I change the parts around where a door would be first. I'll get a picture soon, if I can find it anyways...... me and my Greaaaat organization skills lol.