Well the triop life cycle has begun again, 1-2 days ago for 3 triops and >1 day ago for two others. and possibly I might have 7 more triops, as I put all the remaining bottle caps (that potentially contained eggs) into three small clear plastic dixie cups. I saw 7 floating eggs, which I'm not sure how many, or if any will hatch. I also bought a bag of adult brine shrimp, a 2.5 gallon tank, and measuring cup (all the others we have would most likely have soap which is toxic to aquatic life), a small breeding trap (small for fish, but bigger then the tank I use for triops (which I plan to use to either raise triops or have them lay eggs in (not sure yet). The eggs will contrast pretty well against the black sand (pale eggs on white sand are hard to see hehe). I also got some tubing (for the air pumps), and two airstones. That was all I got from Aquarium Adventure. I also basically finished cleaning my room other then the closest (which sooner or later will need to be cleaned out; soon in all likelihood). Also a few drawers will need to be cleaned out (some small stuff like pencils, and coins, and various small items got put in there today). Ideal ate a Cricket.
Oh and yesterday (Soccer wise) we went to something called Lancaster Preview (hosted by Lancaster) where we played two twenty minute games (normally games are 80 minutes, divided in 40 minutes halves). We played against Lancaster (1-0 win for us), and then against Bloom-Carrol (2-0 win for us) In both games we had complete control, and could have scored a couple more times in each one. I just got to watch (other then warming up)