29 May 2011


well I finished set up the 55 gallon, the final parts of the gravel/substrate was added, as well the the heater, filter (bought a new one, same type as before), water parameter tester, thermometer, aquatic plants, and of course added water. Fiesta (aka shift) [fiesta was his original name which I forgot until I found him], and Shorte died. That leaves three alive in container 1: Pheonix, Mystery, and Snips. Pictures of set of aquarium to come soon. I should be able to get some fish after, the ammonia spike is over (The ammonia spike is part of the Nitrogen cycle. It occurs as part of the ecological maturation of the tank). Ammonia is the most toxic of the three, followed by a smaller Nitrite spike, which is less toxic, and ends with a small Nitrate spike, Nitrate has a real low toxicity to fish. I'd say at least by next weekend I should be able to get fish if not sooner.

In bible last week after watching "Lord save us from your followers" we were asked basically, if you had a gay friend would you go to wedding if it was to the same sex?

My answer: Yes.
I wouldn't go in support of their actions, but as their frined. I would tell them beforehand I don't agree with their choice in the marriage, but I would be coming because they're my friend. Remember Jesus was commonly seen with drunkards, and such people. He didn't hate them, no He loved them, but he didn't like some of the choices they made. We should love them, and dislike their actions, but they will be accountable to God for their actions. By hating them we could very easily cause them to turn away completely from God. God loves them, just as he loves us, and if he hates them, he would hate us all. But, thankfully he's a loving God.