6) Mini fort wars 7) fourcorners 8) battle by the wall 9) The Barge 10) Christmas rabbit hunt
as a side note Mini fort wars is the bottom picture.

and here's my statement about these map...
6) Map: Mini fort wars
A map simple in creation. This map contained nothing new from my past ones. This map was designed in a relatively short time, and typed in a short time. I actually created/tested/submitted this map within one hour. At first it wasn't really popular, but when some people got on it: BAM people came. A quite successful map, for what I believed to be a not really good map. I've changed it since than as you can tell on the forums. This was one of my maps that was more popular than I thought I'd be. As you can tell this map did get hosted
7) Map: fourcorners
This map is the only, and I mean ONLY map that I actually designed on the fly. This was an experimental map in all right. Heh at first I was just having some fun messing around, and pop: "houston we have a map". I was experimenting with the 3-d transformation shear on this one. I dislike shear to this day, and I don't like mesh either, but mesh is the lesser of the two evils.I actually tried mesh at around this point, but I didn't understand it, and wasn't able to find any help on the matter either. still unhosted.
8) Map: battle by the wall
This map followed miniforts' form. That is the map size is 200x200 WU, instead of my standard 500 by 500. I don't remember much about the thought process that went into this map. WG's was overpowered, as well as SB, ST, and L. I fixed this in later versions though. It got hosted but preformed ok, but not spectacular like mini forts did. This map would spawn a second version of it.
9) Map: The Barge
This is the one map I believe went unnoticed, despite it's potential. At a point I create a material that had "unique" properties. I got rid of it, and I haven't been able to recreate it ever since. I wish I would have left it. If I revisted this map I believe it could do spectacularly. This map went unhosted, and commentless.
10) Map: Christmas Rabbit Hunt
My pride and joy. My first holiday based map, and second rabbit hunt. I had planned on making it for months in advance, and questioned a fellow player/mapmaker about the idea. I'm thankful to this day that he (Big Bad Bucko, now called Anathema) responded in the way he did, and encouraged me. I hadn't had a successful map in awhile, and my lack of confidence was rapidly showing itself with my increase in speed of map production. I'm glad I went with my second design over my first one, because now I believed it would have failed if I had used that version. I did get rid of a staircase I had made, but I accidentely left 5 of the steps. Actually I left them in the map. Unfortunately I misspelled Christmas... on the servermsg it reads: -srvmsg "Merry Chritmas to you from Tanx". On Christmas day this map preformed beyond my wildest dreams. It battled for the top spot basically all day long. It's competitor you ask? It's not what you would expect. no it wasn't missilewars, or any of the normally popular maps out there. It was a capture the base map by ahs3. But it wasn't any ordinary capture the base map, in fact it was the First capture the base map. No one had seen a CTB (capture the base) map before. This was a new concept, that was being tested on the same day CRH (christmas rabbit hunt) got hosted. It a fantastic Idea VS the christmas spirit. This map was my defining moment as a mapmaker (in my eyes). Unfortunately it has preformed poorly the last two years, and obviously it needs to be revisited.