13 June 2011

At openfield I possibly injured either the tendon or the muscle. It hurts when my left foot is in the pushing off position. So stretching it hurts it. I remember do this early on in open field as well. But, being me, I decided to keep going. I wasn't sure what it was really. I have a better idea now. I really don't want to do this, but I'll be trying to rest it till the next open field. Hopefully it'll be better by then. I really wanted to keep running too... I'll walk like I do when I start getting pain from planters fasciitis. (walking on the heel of my foot, to avoid stretching the sole of my foot. But, this also limits the stretching I do on my calf, which is the part that is hurting right now.). I really hate sticking to recovery too... heh I remember the first time I broke something. It was a hairline fracture in my big toe (very small too, around the size of a pin head). The next day I was out on a scooter, though I was being very careful. Sometimes though I've ended up in more pain by doing these types of things when injured.

Just to be safe I'll try not to even strech it by walking (that's gonna be fun :P). Looks like I might even hop down the stairs (I actually already did this once).

Man I hate it when I look injured to other people... I don't want to draw attention to myself... I find it's more fun to get people to think you're alright when you're not... Maybe that's why I don't like asking for somebody's help, when I need it.

welll, I'm done here, and with the computer for the night. Time to go/hop down the stairs :P

ok back again. I figured out that I can still feel it no matter how I walk on that foot. *sigh* looks like there's no way to not appear like I'm hurt (Hopping everywhere does look suspicious :P). I think I was able to play soccer with this because, I was being still. By being still it's now in recover mode, so it'll hurt more then it did then, (the muscles cooled down). Just a theory. even walking with my left knee bent, and one my toes, to prevent any stretching, is painful, just less then the one I suggested above. Blowing out a calf would be very bad. I don't want that, so even though I could just fight through it like I did in open field, I'm not because I didn't understand that this wasn't just from a tired muscle. Otherwise I might have thought about continuing more (though in all likelyhood I probably would've still kept going). I want to be careful with this now. So hopping it is... Darn it I really want to fight through it, like I normally do too...

back x2. heh, I refused to hop in my dad's presense. I realized I need to just deal with it, and throw away my pride. Though I don't want to admit it. I have pride in not looking injured... Time to through it out the door

I could also use my cane (yes I have a cane... I got it when I broke my toe... though I could've probably walked without it. But using that is worse then hopping, even though its much easier). I'm not going to use the cane for that reason...