19 June 2011

I had a dream in which my mantids molted. Low and behold Ideal molted... I knew they were due, so it carried over into dreamworld.

Ideal: level 3

I got to go to aquarium adventure today. I got 3 neon tetras, 2 albino bronze corys, a plant which a latin name I don't remebmer, and 2 fish called ottocinus or something...

--_-- I have conditioning tomarrow 7:30 to 8:30 AM... just great... *sigh*
and the worst part is on the way in to church today, I started to feel the beginnings of planter facittis... it just keeps gettin' better and better...

I also woke up on the couch, which I had apparently fallen asleep on last night (dad knows that once I'm out, it'd take a jet to wake me up). I woke up at around 5 AM. My back hurt unbelievably, along with pain in my arms, and my left calf. After I got into my bed, I started to get a charlie horse in my calf. I don't remember it going away, I think I gave up trying to stretch it out... Maybe, I fell asleep with it. It wouldn't surprise me that's for sure... I mean I can sleep walk upstairs from the couch (I've done it before). One time it was especially painful when after going to the bathroom I started to actually fall back asleep. I hit my face on the strike plate, which on this door protrudes out. I hit on my check bode I think, and my face hit the rest on the frame. That was the most painful head injury I've ever had. I was clearly awake after I hit. I remember after that, just not before it. It took a half an hour for me to get back to sleep at least.

The back pain I experienced, was the most pain I had in my back before. if I rolled over it hurt quite a bit. If this is what feeling old is like, then, oh geez......