11) 2009 new years rabbit hunt 12) Fort war 2.1 13) Battle by the wall II 14) the two sides 15) Ultimatum FFA
2009 new years rabbit hunt is the bottom picture.

here's my statements about these maps...
11) Map: 2009 new years rabbit hunt
Christmas rabbit hunt was successful, so basically I took that map, got rid of the tree, and replaced it with a timing device. I also add at least four pyramids for the TH World weapons to be shot off. When the world weapon shots hit the bottom of the timing device world weapon fireworks take place.
12) Map: Fort War 2.1
This the Fort wars 2 map with some modifications. The most obvious mod is the third floor. I took out on of the boxes surrounding the map in order to show it to you. I used one of the objects from christmas rabbit hunt, but on a much smaller scale, but like 2009 new years rabbit hunt it wasn't exactly very original. As a result these maps really ammounted to nothing.
13) Map: Battle By the wall II
I made this map like the original battle by the wall, but a different concept. instead of the wall dissecting the two team sides, it basically reaches from one base to the other. It was hosted, but turned into a flop. I didn't take a lot of time into the planning of the map.
14) Map: The two sides
This map wasn't very great. The name, the design, my mapping, and my lack of desire to perfect it is was led to it's demise. It never got hosted. Now I consider this map as one of my poorest ones. It ranks up there with tower wars-FFA.
15) Map: Ultimatum FFA
This map turned out very well. I was determined to make a map people would want to play on, and this was the result. It got hosted, and popular. A big change then what I had been previously making. It resembles christmas rabbit hunt by the thought and effort that was put into each one.