I don't see any triops so I'm guessing it wasn't long enough or the fact I used water from an opened bottle (aged water that has bacteria and such things weighs more, and triops won't hatch with them) may have caused them not to hatch, or even possibly I didn't get any eggs which might be possible since the eggs weigh more then sand. so in the future I may just scoop with the bottle cap, instead of using a pipette. fed the baby gups some brine shrimp. I really don't need to worry about the salt because gups can stand quite a bit of it, actually the fact it would decrease the salt to water ratio for the brine would be more worry some. According to the wiki gups can stand 150% salt in water of that of regular sea water. I did know they can live in brackish water (those are the bodies of water where freshwater and saltwater meet). While cleaning my room (mostly putting stuff in the closest, which I plan to go through after I put the stuff that's already boxes elsewhere (downstairs probably)). I learned some time ago it's not wise to do it all at once for someone who has adhd as I do, You'll more likely then not give up (to those who don't have it, it all just starts overwhelming you, putting it out of sight for the moment (like in a closest) helps reduce that quite a bit). This way I don't get that overwhelming feeling, which is quite nice. in the last eight days I've watched TV < 2 hours. Those two hours coming in the last two days. Though during a vacation that's kinda common. Also yesterday I kept thinking it was Tuesday, though it was actually Thursday, heh, lost track of days on vacation. A pretty good sign I had a good time :).
I can't put anything else in the closest without it starting to cramp the hanging shirts (keep them from hanging all the way down (some already can't), I wonder if I can borrow a closet. eh, probably not the best idea since it's probably a good sign I should start taking more stuff elsewhere, whether it be the basement or the convenient trashcan that gets emptied every week.
Also the time I've been watching TV is the early morning, when I ate breakfast, and it was the news. I've noticed also in doing this I tend to go to bed around 10:30, which is around a hour to 2 hours sooner then I was otherwise.