yesterday I cleaned the tank, a task which when it was said and done took around a hour and 15 minutes. This included the Water change, cleaning all the algae I could get off of the sides (some near the gravel I couldn't get). Also this included filling up a bucket of aquarium water and cleaning the sponge from the filter (the water after I cleaned all three parts was very dark (most of it came from the sponge). I also cleaned the filter sides as well. I then preceded to fill the tank up with fresh water (much quieter now). Later I got two female guppies, and one male guppy (the male looks very similar to some of the male guppies I had raised long ago, in fact one of two that survived a die off. The two females are gravid (they have young developing within them, which is why I chose them. I also put water in my triop container two nights ago, so far I can tell there's at least two, more will appear with time, as more eggs hatch. also Ideal molted yesterday, so now he's a level 5 as well, ate a fly today as well.
I was trying to start the mower to no avial, so I put some gas in it after checking (it was low), and it still didn't start, mom then started saying (after a pause and look up to her by me) "Lord, please" I tried it once more as she was finishing please, and "Vroom" it started... Ok, I get the message.
Triops only live around 30 days. They grow extremely fast, usually molting multiple times in one day. Almost all triops are female so a male is not required for reproduction. Easy to take care of as well.
kinda look like horseshoe crabs in shape.
I've been watching the neon tetras and now there's an obvious pecking order, but it seems to only be the alpha ones that are "pecking".