this can also be found on the bzflag forums in the map previews section.
It has been entirely hand edited, no modeler, or map editor was used in the creation of this map.
On another note that has nothing to do with this, I wonder when my praying mantis' will hatch.
I thank those navy SEALS who went, risked their own lives to get Osama Bin Laden. We should not celebrate the fact he died, but we should be happy that the fact the threat he posed to us has been eliminated. The enviroment someone grows up in never determines their character. Look at one of Osama's sons. Despite the fact he was raised by Osama he turned out an advocate for peace. The worrisome part is that al-Qaeda's new face will want to prove himself/distinguish himself in some way. That is what we need to watch out for. Many people in the middle-east can rest more easily now. It feels like we've final ended the chapter on 9/11, a lot of familys who lost loved ones will be resting much more easily now. It sure hasn't felt like 10 years.
I meant to ask..will this map be a FFA?