here's maps: 26-30 in the order of creation
26) M.I.S.T. 27)Inside and out 28) The two walls 29) 50 secrets 30) secret maze
M.I.S.T. is on the bottom
here's my statements about these maps...
26) Map: M.I.S.T.
One of the good preforming maps I created. It was around the top of the list for around two days. MIST stands for Misc, Infiltrators, Snipers, and Tank mods. These stand for the majority of the flags you would find at that teams base. Each base was different. Two of the bases were new creations, while one base was designed from fort war's base, and the purple base was designed off of Tower War's base (See I told you it's base would be used later on :D)
27) Map: Inside and out
This was the first map I used meshes on, but these meshes were double sided, since I still didn't quite understand them yet. It went unhosted
28 Map: The Two Walls
This map was submitted the same day that Inside and out was, signifying the first time I made multiple maps in a single day. It would not be the last time either. It was inspired by the Battle by the wall series. Map 2 of the secret series
29) Map: 50 Secrets
A direct descendent of 20 secrets, this map was basically 20 secrets with all the secrets redesigned. In other words it was a redesigned 20 secrets with 50 secrets instead of 20. not a successful as 20 secrets, but it still attracted people to it.
30) Map: Secret Maze
This was a map based on secrets, just like 20 and 50 secrets. But, unlike it's predecessors not all of the secrets are beneficial. This map was my first, and only maze map, but it was quite enjoyable. If given the chance I would make another one. This was map 3 in the secret series.
29 March 2011
28 March 2011
My maps part V
here's maps: 21-25 in the order of creation
21) Bzflag Temple 22) Dark corridors 23) Tacticoom 24) 20 Secrets 25) Tanx's dream
Bzflag temple is the bottom screenie
here's my statements about these maps...
21) Map: Bzflag Temple
I got the idea for this one shortly after the creation of CTF/FFA. It was a simple map, that turned into a more skill laden map. hosted, but didn't grab people's attention
22) Map: Dark corridors
This map had potential in my opinion, but people didn't comment on it, and it was not hosted. It's roots lie with House CTF in the dark. It belongs with The Barge in my thoughts about it. Including the fact a sequel could be created later on to finish the job.
23) Map: Tacticoom
Tacticoom stands for: T.aking A.ll C.hances T.hat I.ncrease C.hances O.f O.pponent M.istakes... This was the map in which it took more time to figure out a name then the actual time it took to create the map. I may be over exaggerating this though. A good overall map the best parts are the teles use to get up to the upper level and the upper level itself.
24) Map: 20 Secrets
A player named "jeff" made a map, whose name slips my mind. This map had things he called secrets, these "secrets" gave me an idea to make a map in which the point is FFA, but a second objective is to find these secrets, thus the "secrets" series was born. It was quite popular in it's time. the best feature in my opinion is the arc way up, and the anticamping system.
25) Map: Tanx's Dream
This map really lives up to it's name, since the idea for this map actually came from a dream! I even dreamt that this map made it to the top of the list, which in time it in fact accomplished. I didn't remember some aspects so, I filled it in with what I thought would work in it's favor. Overall it turned out ok, but they're are quite a few problems with this map, the least of which is easy spawnkilling. The first twenty-five maps are here, only 32 more!
21) Bzflag Temple 22) Dark corridors 23) Tacticoom 24) 20 Secrets 25) Tanx's dream
Bzflag temple is the bottom screenie
here's my statements about these maps...
21) Map: Bzflag Temple
I got the idea for this one shortly after the creation of CTF/FFA. It was a simple map, that turned into a more skill laden map. hosted, but didn't grab people's attention
22) Map: Dark corridors
This map had potential in my opinion, but people didn't comment on it, and it was not hosted. It's roots lie with House CTF in the dark. It belongs with The Barge in my thoughts about it. Including the fact a sequel could be created later on to finish the job.
23) Map: Tacticoom
Tacticoom stands for: T.aking A.ll C.hances T.hat I.ncrease C.hances O.f O.pponent M.istakes... This was the map in which it took more time to figure out a name then the actual time it took to create the map. I may be over exaggerating this though. A good overall map the best parts are the teles use to get up to the upper level and the upper level itself.
24) Map: 20 Secrets
A player named "jeff" made a map, whose name slips my mind. This map had things he called secrets, these "secrets" gave me an idea to make a map in which the point is FFA, but a second objective is to find these secrets, thus the "secrets" series was born. It was quite popular in it's time. the best feature in my opinion is the arc way up, and the anticamping system.
25) Map: Tanx's Dream
This map really lives up to it's name, since the idea for this map actually came from a dream! I even dreamt that this map made it to the top of the list, which in time it in fact accomplished. I didn't remember some aspects so, I filled it in with what I thought would work in it's favor. Overall it turned out ok, but they're are quite a few problems with this map, the least of which is easy spawnkilling. The first twenty-five maps are here, only 32 more!
My maps part IV
here's maps : 16-20 in the order of creation
16) Survival FFA 17) The great fight 18) Adroit 19) CTF/FFA 20) House CTF in the dark
Survival FFA is the picture on the bottom
I wasn't able to use the computer yesterday, so in order to stay on track, and make it up to the readers I'm include ten maps today. They are in two posts though
p.s. this is my fault. the map survival seems to have been totally lost, and it is extremely unlikely I can recreate it or even find it as my computer/usb drive have been searched for it, but to no avail
here's my statements about these maps...
16) Map: Survival
Survival was based on the map Ultimatum. I used objects from ultimatum in this map, but added some new ones. This map could have been classified as Ultimatum II. A unique feature about this map was the fact the teles that linked to each other hade a specific color of pyramid on top of their borders. I apparently have lost the map file. To see a basic diagram of the map (a poor selection of screenies) visit
17) Map: The Great Fight
Not a very good name I tell you that. This map was just like Ultimatum and Survival in so many ways. Apparently it was too similar and someone pointed this out, I didn't exactly resond like I should have to ducatiwannabe's remark about the name. I shouldn't have even responded. See my remark that shouldn't have been at
18) Map: Adroit
This was a very simple map. But it's simplicity was meant to require skill. This map flopped, not even a single comment on this map. It belongs in the category M with The Barge, but in this case I wasn't overly surprised to have received no comments.
19) Map: FFA/CTF
A map that was like like none other. This map was two maps in one. One side was CTF while the other was FFA. I had never seen this done before, so I decided to do it. I also haven't seen this done since. A very unique idea, but one that was not likely to succeed. I knew this before I created the map, but the idea of two types on gameplay in one map was calling to me. It was hosted, and got around 8 people maximum, but that was about it.
20) Map: House CTF in the dark
That was it's name but I like House in the dark CTF better. This map is possibly one of my best maps, and certainly is the map that preformed the best for me in the server list. It got to the server list #1 slot at sometime during the day for around a week. The best part is that this map was inspired by a rug design I saw while walking into church. It just kinda hit me as I saw the design, and as soon as I got up into the balcony I drew it out before I could forget it. I missed some of the service...
16) Survival FFA 17) The great fight 18) Adroit 19) CTF/FFA 20) House CTF in the dark
Survival FFA is the picture on the bottom
I wasn't able to use the computer yesterday, so in order to stay on track, and make it up to the readers I'm include ten maps today. They are in two posts though
p.s. this is my fault. the map survival seems to have been totally lost, and it is extremely unlikely I can recreate it or even find it as my computer/usb drive have been searched for it, but to no avail
here's my statements about these maps...
16) Map: Survival
Survival was based on the map Ultimatum. I used objects from ultimatum in this map, but added some new ones. This map could have been classified as Ultimatum II. A unique feature about this map was the fact the teles that linked to each other hade a specific color of pyramid on top of their borders. I apparently have lost the map file. To see a basic diagram of the map (a poor selection of screenies) visit
17) Map: The Great Fight
Not a very good name I tell you that. This map was just like Ultimatum and Survival in so many ways. Apparently it was too similar and someone pointed this out, I didn't exactly resond like I should have to ducatiwannabe's remark about the name. I shouldn't have even responded. See my remark that shouldn't have been at
18) Map: Adroit
This was a very simple map. But it's simplicity was meant to require skill. This map flopped, not even a single comment on this map. It belongs in the category M with The Barge, but in this case I wasn't overly surprised to have received no comments.
19) Map: FFA/CTF
A map that was like like none other. This map was two maps in one. One side was CTF while the other was FFA. I had never seen this done before, so I decided to do it. I also haven't seen this done since. A very unique idea, but one that was not likely to succeed. I knew this before I created the map, but the idea of two types on gameplay in one map was calling to me. It was hosted, and got around 8 people maximum, but that was about it.
20) Map: House CTF in the dark
That was it's name but I like House in the dark CTF better. This map is possibly one of my best maps, and certainly is the map that preformed the best for me in the server list. It got to the server list #1 slot at sometime during the day for around a week. The best part is that this map was inspired by a rug design I saw while walking into church. It just kinda hit me as I saw the design, and as soon as I got up into the balcony I drew it out before I could forget it. I missed some of the service...
26 March 2011
My maps part III
here's maps: 11-15 in the order of creation
11) 2009 new years rabbit hunt 12) Fort war 2.1 13) Battle by the wall II 14) the two sides 15) Ultimatum FFA
2009 new years rabbit hunt is the bottom picture.
here's my statements about these maps...
11) Map: 2009 new years rabbit hunt
Christmas rabbit hunt was successful, so basically I took that map, got rid of the tree, and replaced it with a timing device. I also add at least four pyramids for the TH World weapons to be shot off. When the world weapon shots hit the bottom of the timing device world weapon fireworks take place.
12) Map: Fort War 2.1
This the Fort wars 2 map with some modifications. The most obvious mod is the third floor. I took out on of the boxes surrounding the map in order to show it to you. I used one of the objects from christmas rabbit hunt, but on a much smaller scale, but like 2009 new years rabbit hunt it wasn't exactly very original. As a result these maps really ammounted to nothing.
13) Map: Battle By the wall II
I made this map like the original battle by the wall, but a different concept. instead of the wall dissecting the two team sides, it basically reaches from one base to the other. It was hosted, but turned into a flop. I didn't take a lot of time into the planning of the map.
14) Map: The two sides
This map wasn't very great. The name, the design, my mapping, and my lack of desire to perfect it is was led to it's demise. It never got hosted. Now I consider this map as one of my poorest ones. It ranks up there with tower wars-FFA.
15) Map: Ultimatum FFA
This map turned out very well. I was determined to make a map people would want to play on, and this was the result. It got hosted, and popular. A big change then what I had been previously making. It resembles christmas rabbit hunt by the thought and effort that was put into each one.
11) 2009 new years rabbit hunt 12) Fort war 2.1 13) Battle by the wall II 14) the two sides 15) Ultimatum FFA
2009 new years rabbit hunt is the bottom picture.
here's my statements about these maps...
11) Map: 2009 new years rabbit hunt
Christmas rabbit hunt was successful, so basically I took that map, got rid of the tree, and replaced it with a timing device. I also add at least four pyramids for the TH World weapons to be shot off. When the world weapon shots hit the bottom of the timing device world weapon fireworks take place.
12) Map: Fort War 2.1
This the Fort wars 2 map with some modifications. The most obvious mod is the third floor. I took out on of the boxes surrounding the map in order to show it to you. I used one of the objects from christmas rabbit hunt, but on a much smaller scale, but like 2009 new years rabbit hunt it wasn't exactly very original. As a result these maps really ammounted to nothing.
13) Map: Battle By the wall II
I made this map like the original battle by the wall, but a different concept. instead of the wall dissecting the two team sides, it basically reaches from one base to the other. It was hosted, but turned into a flop. I didn't take a lot of time into the planning of the map.
14) Map: The two sides
This map wasn't very great. The name, the design, my mapping, and my lack of desire to perfect it is was led to it's demise. It never got hosted. Now I consider this map as one of my poorest ones. It ranks up there with tower wars-FFA.
15) Map: Ultimatum FFA
This map turned out very well. I was determined to make a map people would want to play on, and this was the result. It got hosted, and popular. A big change then what I had been previously making. It resembles christmas rabbit hunt by the thought and effort that was put into each one.
25 March 2011
My maps part II
Here are the second set of 5 in the order of creation:
6) Mini fort wars 7) fourcorners 8) battle by the wall 9) The Barge 10) Christmas rabbit hunt
as a side note Mini fort wars is the bottom picture.
and here's my statement about these map...
6) Map: Mini fort wars
A map simple in creation. This map contained nothing new from my past ones. This map was designed in a relatively short time, and typed in a short time. I actually created/tested/submitted this map within one hour. At first it wasn't really popular, but when some people got on it: BAM people came. A quite successful map, for what I believed to be a not really good map. I've changed it since than as you can tell on the forums. This was one of my maps that was more popular than I thought I'd be. As you can tell this map did get hosted
7) Map: fourcorners
This map is the only, and I mean ONLY map that I actually designed on the fly. This was an experimental map in all right. Heh at first I was just having some fun messing around, and pop: "houston we have a map". I was experimenting with the 3-d transformation shear on this one. I dislike shear to this day, and I don't like mesh either, but mesh is the lesser of the two evils.I actually tried mesh at around this point, but I didn't understand it, and wasn't able to find any help on the matter either. still unhosted.
8) Map: battle by the wall
This map followed miniforts' form. That is the map size is 200x200 WU, instead of my standard 500 by 500. I don't remember much about the thought process that went into this map. WG's was overpowered, as well as SB, ST, and L. I fixed this in later versions though. It got hosted but preformed ok, but not spectacular like mini forts did. This map would spawn a second version of it.
9) Map: The Barge
This is the one map I believe went unnoticed, despite it's potential. At a point I create a material that had "unique" properties. I got rid of it, and I haven't been able to recreate it ever since. I wish I would have left it. If I revisted this map I believe it could do spectacularly. This map went unhosted, and commentless.
10) Map: Christmas Rabbit Hunt
My pride and joy. My first holiday based map, and second rabbit hunt. I had planned on making it for months in advance, and questioned a fellow player/mapmaker about the idea. I'm thankful to this day that he (Big Bad Bucko, now called Anathema) responded in the way he did, and encouraged me. I hadn't had a successful map in awhile, and my lack of confidence was rapidly showing itself with my increase in speed of map production. I'm glad I went with my second design over my first one, because now I believed it would have failed if I had used that version. I did get rid of a staircase I had made, but I accidentely left 5 of the steps. Actually I left them in the map. Unfortunately I misspelled Christmas... on the servermsg it reads: -srvmsg "Merry Chritmas to you from Tanx". On Christmas day this map preformed beyond my wildest dreams. It battled for the top spot basically all day long. It's competitor you ask? It's not what you would expect. no it wasn't missilewars, or any of the normally popular maps out there. It was a capture the base map by ahs3. But it wasn't any ordinary capture the base map, in fact it was the First capture the base map. No one had seen a CTB (capture the base) map before. This was a new concept, that was being tested on the same day CRH (christmas rabbit hunt) got hosted. It a fantastic Idea VS the christmas spirit. This map was my defining moment as a mapmaker (in my eyes). Unfortunately it has preformed poorly the last two years, and obviously it needs to be revisited.
6) Mini fort wars 7) fourcorners 8) battle by the wall 9) The Barge 10) Christmas rabbit hunt
as a side note Mini fort wars is the bottom picture.
and here's my statement about these map...
6) Map: Mini fort wars
A map simple in creation. This map contained nothing new from my past ones. This map was designed in a relatively short time, and typed in a short time. I actually created/tested/submitted this map within one hour. At first it wasn't really popular, but when some people got on it: BAM people came. A quite successful map, for what I believed to be a not really good map. I've changed it since than as you can tell on the forums. This was one of my maps that was more popular than I thought I'd be. As you can tell this map did get hosted
7) Map: fourcorners
This map is the only, and I mean ONLY map that I actually designed on the fly. This was an experimental map in all right. Heh at first I was just having some fun messing around, and pop: "houston we have a map". I was experimenting with the 3-d transformation shear on this one. I dislike shear to this day, and I don't like mesh either, but mesh is the lesser of the two evils.I actually tried mesh at around this point, but I didn't understand it, and wasn't able to find any help on the matter either. still unhosted.
8) Map: battle by the wall
This map followed miniforts' form. That is the map size is 200x200 WU, instead of my standard 500 by 500. I don't remember much about the thought process that went into this map. WG's was overpowered, as well as SB, ST, and L. I fixed this in later versions though. It got hosted but preformed ok, but not spectacular like mini forts did. This map would spawn a second version of it.
9) Map: The Barge
This is the one map I believe went unnoticed, despite it's potential. At a point I create a material that had "unique" properties. I got rid of it, and I haven't been able to recreate it ever since. I wish I would have left it. If I revisted this map I believe it could do spectacularly. This map went unhosted, and commentless.
10) Map: Christmas Rabbit Hunt
My pride and joy. My first holiday based map, and second rabbit hunt. I had planned on making it for months in advance, and questioned a fellow player/mapmaker about the idea. I'm thankful to this day that he (Big Bad Bucko, now called Anathema) responded in the way he did, and encouraged me. I hadn't had a successful map in awhile, and my lack of confidence was rapidly showing itself with my increase in speed of map production. I'm glad I went with my second design over my first one, because now I believed it would have failed if I had used that version. I did get rid of a staircase I had made, but I accidentely left 5 of the steps. Actually I left them in the map. Unfortunately I misspelled Christmas... on the servermsg it reads: -srvmsg "Merry Chritmas to you from Tanx". On Christmas day this map preformed beyond my wildest dreams. It battled for the top spot basically all day long. It's competitor you ask? It's not what you would expect. no it wasn't missilewars, or any of the normally popular maps out there. It was a capture the base map by ahs3. But it wasn't any ordinary capture the base map, in fact it was the First capture the base map. No one had seen a CTB (capture the base) map before. This was a new concept, that was being tested on the same day CRH (christmas rabbit hunt) got hosted. It a fantastic Idea VS the christmas spirit. This map was my defining moment as a mapmaker (in my eyes). Unfortunately it has preformed poorly the last two years, and obviously it needs to be revisited.
24 March 2011
My maps
I've decided I'll show you an overview of five of my maps, in the order they were created, starting with the first one: Fort Wars. These are screenshots of the most current one on the forums, so I might have changed it in the meantime.
Here's the first five in the order of creation:
1) Fortwars 2) Tower Wars 3) Tower Wars-FFA 4) Rabbit hunting Wars 5) Fortwars II
Fortwars is the bottom screenie if you didn't know.
Here's my statement on each of the maps...
1) Map: Fort Wars
Fort wars was my first map, but before it I had messed around with the two tanks: laser sniping first, adding two bases, and a box. I also messed with it's variables, until making my own map. Fort wars was based off of missile wars, and the compound. In this map I used boxes, pyramids, bases, and zones. I meant for the center to actually be open, but those four main boxed turned out MUCH bigger then I meant for them to be. the four boxes inside the base that are in the air, are double what I meant for them to be. In the end I decided to keep it the way it was, and not fix the center boxes. I'm glad I didn't change it. It got hosted, by Rob5a, which I'm glad to this day he did. I didn't have much confidence in my abilities, I thank all the people who commented back in those days, and who still do.
2) Map: Tower Wars
Tower Wars was meant to be like missile wars but have a tower in the back, hence the name: "Tower Wars". I underestimated the true size of world units in my beginning mapping days, and in this map it's quite obvious. The sniping towers are much too large, as is the base. The base would come in handy later on in a future map [and I'm not going to tell you, until I show you that map ;)]. It didn't get hosted like Fortwars did. In this map I started to use links and my first world weapons
3) Map: Tower Wars-FFA
Tower Wars-FFA was absolutely the map I hate the most. I basically gave up on it and just added Tower wars to it, just to get it over with. It really shouldn't have been submitted. It's so bad it says it's a FFA, but it's a CTF. I'm done ripping it, and I'm done with it period.
4) Rabbit hunting wars
Rabbit Hunting Wars was based on a old rabbit hunting from a long time ago. It turned out ok, but as you can see I was still underestimating a world unit. The map didn't get hosted. This was my first rabbit hunt map. It was more about trying to create a map like the old one, but a little different. That was made difficult by the fact I don't exactly remember the old map that well.
5) Fort Wars II
Fort wars II added on to Fort wars. I added a whole new level below the existing one. I actually changed the existing one. I learned NOT to make a floor the same color as deathzone's are colored on the radar. This map was basically to revisted Fort Wars, since I was lacking in ideas at the time, and I figured if the first one got hosted, might as well try it. This was my first big successful map that made it to the top. A little while later I had surgery on my wrist. I had to play with my left hand. I didn't let it stop me from mapping though. Thanks to NN for the host for this one. He's the second big influence in my continued mapping. Don't know where I'd be if he wouldn't have hosted it.
Here's the first five in the order of creation:
1) Fortwars 2) Tower Wars 3) Tower Wars-FFA 4) Rabbit hunting Wars 5) Fortwars II
Fortwars is the bottom screenie if you didn't know.
Here's my statement on each of the maps...
1) Map: Fort Wars
Fort wars was my first map, but before it I had messed around with the two tanks: laser sniping first, adding two bases, and a box. I also messed with it's variables, until making my own map. Fort wars was based off of missile wars, and the compound. In this map I used boxes, pyramids, bases, and zones. I meant for the center to actually be open, but those four main boxed turned out MUCH bigger then I meant for them to be. the four boxes inside the base that are in the air, are double what I meant for them to be. In the end I decided to keep it the way it was, and not fix the center boxes. I'm glad I didn't change it. It got hosted, by Rob5a, which I'm glad to this day he did. I didn't have much confidence in my abilities, I thank all the people who commented back in those days, and who still do.
2) Map: Tower Wars
Tower Wars was meant to be like missile wars but have a tower in the back, hence the name: "Tower Wars". I underestimated the true size of world units in my beginning mapping days, and in this map it's quite obvious. The sniping towers are much too large, as is the base. The base would come in handy later on in a future map [and I'm not going to tell you, until I show you that map ;)]. It didn't get hosted like Fortwars did. In this map I started to use links and my first world weapons
3) Map: Tower Wars-FFA
Tower Wars-FFA was absolutely the map I hate the most. I basically gave up on it and just added Tower wars to it, just to get it over with. It really shouldn't have been submitted. It's so bad it says it's a FFA, but it's a CTF. I'm done ripping it, and I'm done with it period.
4) Rabbit hunting wars
Rabbit Hunting Wars was based on a old rabbit hunting from a long time ago. It turned out ok, but as you can see I was still underestimating a world unit. The map didn't get hosted. This was my first rabbit hunt map. It was more about trying to create a map like the old one, but a little different. That was made difficult by the fact I don't exactly remember the old map that well.
5) Fort Wars II
Fort wars II added on to Fort wars. I added a whole new level below the existing one. I actually changed the existing one. I learned NOT to make a floor the same color as deathzone's are colored on the radar. This map was basically to revisted Fort Wars, since I was lacking in ideas at the time, and I figured if the first one got hosted, might as well try it. This was my first big successful map that made it to the top. A little while later I had surgery on my wrist. I had to play with my left hand. I didn't let it stop me from mapping though. Thanks to NN for the host for this one. He's the second big influence in my continued mapping. Don't know where I'd be if he wouldn't have hosted it.
19 March 2011
Bzflag Texures
These are some textures for future reference. you're open to use them, and as soon as they're approved they're file name will be given as well
18 March 2011
16 March 2011
Apparently I have to write a program to multiply all the numbers of a previous number.... and It's only my second day of this... The bad part about having a parent as a coder..
15 March 2011
I've decided I am going try to code. Specifically C or C++. updates to follow
10 March 2011
Stats, formulas, and nicknames
I've made up some nicknames for some people at hide and seek hills
-Fiona : Grande Chanova
-Misguided Missile: McGizzal
-Leibniz : Nebulesar
-ACEofspace : Da-Wace
-Grublet : Troublet
-DgDog : Dragon Deogo
-Run Runs : Run Gunzin
-Tankkilla : Kilat 'O Anka
-Myself : Erotixan (pronounced "ear-ro-tix-an")
Many more are to come.
Here are some formulas that may be close to the one used by Strayer's bzstats.
1.) (kills+deaths)(10^-2)(Score)
2.) (Score)(Min/12)
3.) (kills+deaths)(12^-2)(score)
4.) (kills+deaths)([minutes played during session/12]^-2)(score)
these would be added to the previous Strength Index (not verified how close these are to the one used at Strayer's bzstats)
Normailized score use this formula
if it's less than 20 kills+deaths this is used
these are my stats for hide and seek hills
-score: 3526 Ratio: 2.993 (kill/deaths) [according to statsbot]
-score: 2746 Kills/Deaths: 3749-1004 Ratio:3.7341 [gathered stats from Dec. 27 2010 to the present time]
-score: 1709 Kills/Deaths: 2316-609 Ratio:3.8030 [stats for Jan. and Feb.)
there are 59 days in Jan/Feb so I'm averaging 28.9661 points per day
at this current rate I'll reach 4200 in 23.2686 days or by the 24th day which is April 3. in the middle of Feb. the estimate was by April 17th.
-Fiona : Grande Chanova
-Misguided Missile: McGizzal
-Leibniz : Nebulesar
-ACEofspace : Da-Wace
-Grublet : Troublet
-DgDog : Dragon Deogo
-Run Runs : Run Gunzin
-Tankkilla : Kilat 'O Anka
-Myself : Erotixan (pronounced "ear-ro-tix-an")
Many more are to come.
Here are some formulas that may be close to the one used by Strayer's bzstats.
1.) (kills+deaths)(10^-2)(Score)
2.) (Score)(Min/12)
3.) (kills+deaths)(12^-2)(score)
4.) (kills+deaths)([minutes played during session/12]^-2)(score)
these would be added to the previous Strength Index (not verified how close these are to the one used at Strayer's bzstats)
Normailized score use this formula
if it's less than 20 kills+deaths this is used
these are my stats for hide and seek hills
-score: 3526 Ratio: 2.993 (kill/deaths) [according to statsbot]
-score: 2746 Kills/Deaths: 3749-1004 Ratio:3.7341 [gathered stats from Dec. 27 2010 to the present time]
-score: 1709 Kills/Deaths: 2316-609 Ratio:3.8030 [stats for Jan. and Feb.)
there are 59 days in Jan/Feb so I'm averaging 28.9661 points per day
at this current rate I'll reach 4200 in 23.2686 days or by the 24th day which is April 3. in the middle of Feb. the estimate was by April 17th.
07 March 2011
For a long time I've been afraid to fly. Last night I had a dream with that exact thing, flying. My fear seemed much more intensive than I thought it was. I realized, during the day, that I'm still a little hesitant with the thought of flying, but it seems much less intense than it was. It was as if I got my fear out during the dream, figuring out why I fear like I do, and getting rid of it. I feel much better now. cheers
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